To succeed in the years ahead, we need to look and operate fundamentally differently.

Welcome to the Omega Leader era

Omega Leader introduces a new approach to leadership that changes the way we think about the future of business and self-development.

Regardless of your profession, understanding the approach increases your self-awareness and will help you to grow.

The journey starts by distinguishing your own natural archetype and considering its pros and cons. Also, it’s useful to see how the eight other archetypes are trending in your personal profile. This creates self-awareness and helps you to grow as a professional and an individual.


The Eight Archetypes

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In addition to creating self-awareness for individuals, Omega Leader Test is an excellent tool to see how the different complimenting archetypes exist and interact in your organisation.

The Eight Archetypes are distributed in four different spheres where Seekers lead the need to change, Builders are here to manifest, Connectors to connect, and Leaders to lead. 

The Seeker sphere introduces the two archetypes of the Healer and the Activist. The second group of Builders hosts the Designer and the Engineer archetypes. The third level is the group of the Connectors - the Captain and the Dealmaker. The fourth level introduces the Leader archetypes: the Alpha Leader and the Omega Leader.



Omega Leader is a strategic and communicative leader dedicating their high performance for a visionary cause bigger than themselves. Omega leaders are balanced natural leaders creating sustainable success driven by culture, numbers and technology.

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Alpha leaders are competitive and high-performing individuals striving for transactional power and authoritarian influence. Alpha is a natural leader who is not satisfied until they are in charge and calling the shots.
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Dealmakers are high-achieving, ambitious and individualistic players who always want to win their game. They get things done and strive for impact and personal upside. Often working in charge of deal flow and sales, dealmakers are practical and tactical commercial warriors.

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The designer is a creator, driven to build, manifest and express a world not bound by what is but what could be. Often multidisciplinary, the Designer has an artistic skillset to manifest. To succeed in their competitive realm of creative industries, the Designer is driven by passionate labour dedicated to expression and originality.

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The Engineer unearths the data and technology and creates structures that underpin the complex systems of our natural and virtual world. Engineers measure, categorise, systematise, value, predict, and theorise but most importantly – Engineers build.

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Activism is fuelled by the dedication and drive powered by entrepreneurial curiosity, passion and purpose. The organisations, cultures and the way we consume are challenged and shaped by Activists and change-makers turning seemingly impossible and wildly ambitious ideas into reality. In the heart of all activism lays the most important force on the planet: The power of the people. 

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The Healer archetype seeks to restore balance and create growth in an individual, community or organisation. The work manifests through different modalities. The mission is to raise awareness, connect and transform. An Intuitive Healer guides and establishes the path and seeks unity of mind, body and spirituality.

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The core of any business, institution, organisation or community requires a solid cornerstone that can be trusted and tried in both favourable and adverse times. Captain archetype is a consensus-building moderate, a collaborative and trusted team player who put their community and colleagues first.

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