“Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.”

– Napoleon Bonaparte



Dealmakers are high-achieving, ambitious and individualistic players who always want to win in their game. They get things done and strive for impact and personal upside. Often working in charge of deal flow and sales, dealmakers are practical and tactical commercial warriors.

A Dealmaker has a special instinct in brokering and haggling fuelled by short, intermittent bursts of productivity. They remain open to explore new connections and constantly align themselves in search of new business opportunities. 


“What is in it for me?”

A transactional individualistic spirit drives Dealmakers. They measure their success in wins and rewards. They bore themselves and lose their interest fast in environments where commercial opportunities are not present. They are more takers than givers.

Dealmakers are often territorial. They value honour, respect and protection. They don’t hesitate to use power, especially if there is a threat against the company, their community or family members.

While the Dealmaker understands the value of the team, their personal success, promotion and gain are still leading the operation. The Dealmaker is often a lone wolf executing goal-driven operations which are in their own full control.


“My warriors, who won't take 'No' for an answer. Who won't hang up the phone till their client either buys. Or fucking dies!”

–Jordan Belfort, ‘Wolf of Wall Street’.

The Power of Words and the personal brand

Competitive Dealmakers understand the power structures and keep gravitating towards the people in power. As natural-born networkers, they tend to find their way to the most important person in the room. After the target is locked, the Dealmaker engages in engaging communications where the goal is to win a new contact or, even better, close a deal right there on the spot.

Dealmakers are optimising their influence through personal brand and powerful verbal and visual communications. Dealmakers are often spending money on objects and external appearance communicating their wealth and socio-economic status. This varies from tattoos to fashion, from sports cars to watches and jewellery.



Transactional Drive

It’s all about sales! Dealmakers are in their flow when they bargain, haggle, or broker–be it power in relationships, money, deals, or influence. Losing is not an option. Dealmakers are on the look for the loopholes, the unseen details, the manoeuvers that others might consider too risky or too backhanded.

Communications and Influence

The art of persuasive speech and building a network of power is inborn with the Dealmaker. Their perceptiveness in reading people, places, and situations give them an uncanny ability to adopt a style that suits any occasion. They tailor their mannerisms to amplify their general agreeableness or, vice versa, spite any competitor that travels into their territory.

Practical and Tactical

On the ground and running, the Dealmaker has a hands-on approach. Extempore and spontaneous, the Dealmaker delights in dealing with the whim of the moment, coming up with solutions on the spot. The tighter the corner, the more the fighter in the Dealmaker assumes command.



Lack of sustainability and long term strategic mindset

A Dealmaker is by nature open to change and sensitive to circumstance. A passionate focus on the deals practical and tactical hinders the ability to take a step back and see the larger picture. Opportunistic Dealmakers work within the immediate, short, and medium-term goals and do not emphasise a longer-term strategic vision and approach. This will backfire sooner or later.

Lone Wolf

My way or the highway”. Strongly opinionated, a Dealmaker often walks down paths alone. They may collaborate and form transactional relationships, but more often than not feel comfortable when in command of their own ship.

Short Attention Span

A short attention span means more time is given to scan potential opportunities in the environment. With a mix of gut and intuition, Dealmakers aim to find the right patterns and connections that will prove to be of most value and gain for their endgame as long as it does not take too long.



Dealmakers are often found in careers where individualism is appreciated, recognised, and respected. While Dealmakers are a common sight in sales, executive or middle-level management in businesses and companies, they are especially prominent and required in the fields of events and entertainment, law, politics, finance, army and entrepreneurship.

Work hard, play hard.

Dealmakers have a passion for risk-taking involving both professional and personal life. The thrill-seeking lifestyle can lead the Dealmaker to extreme sports, gambling and drugs. Downtime and recovery is a difficult concept to grasp for the Dealmaker. Being still can be seen as a symptom of weakness for this ever-moving energetic archetype.



You are tasked to impact millions and to make it happen!

To make it happen, you must step into the true version of yourself and raise your standards and action to meet the visionary level. The question is more about “how” and “when”.

You are underperforming.

You have all that it takes to multiply your earnings, revenues and influence. And yes, this success is linked to better health and reducing frustration, drama and misunderstandings.

You are underperforming as long as you are not able to fix your flaws.  Until then, you are undermining your performance and accumulating losses in your professional and private life.

There is a powerful way forward to unlock your own more sustainable high-performance standard. The approach connects the dots of your personal and professional leadership and creates more steady and sustainable success.

There are no champions without a coach.

Book a call if you are open for a zero-pressure discussion where I can listen and find out if we can add value to you or not.

Learn more about the Eight Archetypes

The Eight Archetypes are distributed in four different spheres where Seekers lead the need to change, Builders are here to manifest, Connectors to connect, and Leaders to lead. 

The Seeker sphere introduces the two archetypes of the Healer and the Activist. The second group of Builders hosts the Designer and the Engineer archetypes. The third level is the group of the Connectors - the Captain and the Dealmaker. The fourth level introduces the Leader archetypes: the Alpha Leader and the Omega Leader.

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