I am on a mission to help high performing leaders and organisations to grow and make new records in their business without burning out.

Risto’s coaching passion is facilitating meaningful change, creating sustainable growth, and supporting you in creating tangible outcomes.

Risto is a coach with an entrepreneurial background. He has an award-winning international career in media and marketing across different platforms.

Risto has served as a leader of 200 reports and has raised seven figures for his startup. His portfolio venture Finnish Flow coordinates high-profile programming during the Davos World Economic Forum week.

In addition to coaching individuals, Risto is a coach and a senior advisor for startups, Big Four, and other corporations. Risto is a coach in different global communities, such as the Presidents Institute executive network and Soho House mentoring and coaching programs.

Risto has volunteered as a board member at UNICEF Finland. Risto’s spiritual book Colorless Light was published in the Autumn of 2023.

Clients describing Risto as a coach:

"Humane, approachable, holistic, but very ambitious."

“Risto is an excellent coach. He is versatile, intelligent and human. He has a combined ability understanding the big picture and keeping your eye on the ball. His ability will inevitably lead to impressive outcomes.”

“Determined, empathetic, and with a strong faith in people and humanity, Risto can see the potential in people; he knows how to love. ” 

"Risto is a versatile, skilled coach who finds the heart of the matter."

“Risto has a good balance as a coach combining career and personal growth with enthusiasm and peace. He knows how to grasp the essentials and summarise. He also gives a lot of himself and links his coaching to his own experiences.”


Eventually, it’s only two things keeping you at the bay:
Your Fears and your Beliefs.

I am a believer in human potential. With awareness, we can let go of our resistance and allow sustainable happiness. This necessitates a systemic approach.

Over the past 20 years, I have had the privilege of learning from numerous coaches, teachers, and mentors who have helped me stay curious and carve out my unique path of lifelong learning.

I have successfully raised funding for my startup, served as an executive and leader overseeing a team of 200 people, organized events globally that attracted over 145,000 visitors. I have earned multiple awards as a television producer, collaborating closely with talents and public personas. Having lived in four countries and visited over 50, I have also exhibited my photography and authored a book.

Along my journey, I have experienced significant failures, both in boardrooms and in my personal life. I am intimately familiar with moments of confusion, procrastination, and the feeling of being lost. It is precisely in these moments that I have turned to the support of coaching and mentoring, guiding me towards new beginnings and better decisions.

I consider my most significant achievement to be a husband and dad. I highly value my meditation practice and my commitment to regularly attending 10-day-long silent retreats.

I believe we have entered a new era where we must redefine "success." While being interested in one's development and well-being is a great starting point, it should lead to serving causes larger than ourselves and supporting others and the planet. When this occurs, we unlock the most inspiring phase in life and business: The Omega Leader level.


Why Coaching?

Investing in coaching has made a profound positive impact on my life.

My WHY of coaching is clear: Coaching is a two-way stream that creates awareness, momentum, and growth. My mission is to help you find your potential and inspiration resulting in measured and concrete outcomes.

Coaching is a special way and an investment to create a positive and lasting impact on our lives. For me, it’s also about giving back. Coaching brings the best out of me, and it is connected to my own purpose to help inspire and be inspired in return.

The Omega Leader Coaching approach integrates the best practices and exercises from my path. I keep testing and constantly improving the offering based on the client feedback system.


The outer reality is the reflection of your inner self.

As a coach and mentor, asking good questions and facilitating thinking already takes the client a good distance. Yet, if the causes and conditions are there but not quite aligned, getting things done may need a gentle nudge in the right direction.

I am personally more a doer than a thinker, and I will turn this nature in your favour to enable you to accomplish your tangible goals through concrete steps.

“Massive thanks to master Risto! Your deep-rooted and very empathic mentor approach not only helped me perform better in my new executive role, but also made me understand my own core value base better - and to be true to my values in all my doings.”

— Chief Marketing Officer at global €100M company

Find out your professional Archetype

Omega Leader Test creates awareness about yourself helping you to grow as a professional and an individual. The free test creates a useful starting point for your self-development and it helps you to understand where you fit in the Omega Leader Archetype constellation.

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