“The world is in crisis. It needs people who have the skill to combine inner power with outer action. Inner power comes from self-mastery, observing and controlling the ego, and deepening integrity through a regular practice of reflection or meditation.”

― Scilla Elworthy, Peace Negotiator and three times Nobel Peace prize nominee

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The Healer archetype seeks to restore balance or create growth in an individual, community or organisation. The work manifests through different modalities. The mission is to raise awareness, connect and transform. An Intuitive Healer guides and establishes the path and seeks unity of mind, body and spirituality.

In the realm of leadership, the Healer recognizes a current power shift. The masculine authoritative power has come to an end and must open and transform through an interplay of complementing feminine leadership and its compassion and empathy.


The new world

The advancements of the global community have come at a heavy price. The planet and humankind face the interconnected crisis of overpopulation, climate change, extinction of biodiversity, violence, and mental health. The four global revolutions and modern technology have made us more connected than ever, yet at the same time, we may feel the agonising pain of being lost and lonely. Most human resource leaders say burnout is sabotaging workplace retention, often because of overly heavy workloads.

Arching back to the dawn of civilization and trailing its way up to our times, the role of an introspective Healer has always existed in the community. Those who seek advice from a Healer are driven by the basic human need to prevent or heal physical, mental or spiritual suffering. What used to be a healer using natural herbs and spiritual practices, modern society has transformed the Healer occupations to coaches, consultants, physicians, and therapists.

The informative and attentive Healer seeks careers facilitating the personal growth of themselves, others and organisations. The Healers work in human-centric occupations such as education, counselling, or other pursuits that promote individuals and society's happiness and meaningful fulfilment. In the corporate world, the Healer archetype and its qualities manifest in HR, sustainability, consultants, public speaking and coaching.


The secret agent

Through all great religions and myths, the Healers have stood to aid, help, and support in times of need.

Many historic Healers often belong to religious and philosophical traditions.

Despite the world becoming more secular, our storytelling recognises the contribution of all Healers who lived, taught and made a difference with love. In many ways, the modern-day needs more than ever the Healer archetype to get us toward a more aware and woke Planet in the midst of climate change and inequality.

It is the Healer’s role to remind and actualize the importance and priority of balance, awareness and rest. There is no divide between body and mind, nor between human and nature. How could we enhance this holistic approach also in the modern workplace for the benefit of all?

“Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

– H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama





Intuitive people commonly have a rich inner life with a high level of empathic abilities, meaning they can sense what others think and feel. As a result, their minds are attuned with those around them, and they use this information to refine further the way they act in a situation.


We live for love that would come from our partners, family, friends, and colleagues–or rather any interaction between another human. It is the glue between you and I. There is an infectious power in the token of a smile, a kind gesture, or a small gift that says ‘I see you. An act of recognition, belonging and being–these are the tenets of empathy that inform the actions of a Healer.

Feminine Leadership

Feminine leadership is a management modality adopted by leaders of all genders. Traditionally, it's used as a shorthand approach for an approach that emphasises empathy, humility, and relationship dynamics in business practice. This is often linked to the sustainability and servant leadership approach with qualities of care and development such as compassion and nurturing.



The Healer is an identity-seeking intuitive archetype with high emotional intelligence. The Healer has a heightened tendency to belong to the Highly Sensitive People (HSP) club, taking in every detail and seeing every connection. This allows the healer to sense more than the eye meets. At the same time, Healer has the risk of over-analyzing, emotional exhaustion, depression and burnout.

Idealism and Financial challenges

Healers have a strong sense of right and wrong, sometimes resulting in an idealistic worldview creating dualism. There is a risk that this intuitive approach comes with errors as Healer follows their feelings and beliefs over logical analysis and scientific approach. Feeling "different" may deepen this trajectory. A healer’s success is often measured outside the capitalistic realm. Although Healers can sometimes be perfectionists, competitiveness and materialistic wealth are usually not driving them. Unless the Healer finds complimentary business-minded allies, there could be scarcity around money and wealth.

Seeker without answers

The healer is a seeker whose spiritual and psychological questioning may extend to lengths and depths that create unnecessary suffering. Therefore, a wounded healer should prioritise becoming fully aware of their personal traumas and causes and conditions that are driving the seeking and discontent. To help others, the Healer should first have a profound awareness of the root causes creating their very own personal suffering. When working on themselves, Instead of relying on self-studies and peer support, the Healer should find professional help, in a form of a senior mentor, teacher or therapist providing the much-needed mirror for the seeker.



Eventually, it’s only two things keeping you at bay: Your Fears and Your Beliefs.

Receiving the Healer profile is just another indication that you are on the right path. The world needs you and you have the potential to help and impact more people than you dare to imagine.

Healer’s way is a two-edged sword in the context of a competitive professional world. While Healer’s work creates sustainable results and great feedback, it may remain without a sustainable monetary reward. As a part of growth, you are welcomed to develop a new kind of relationship with the energies of money and power. This journey may take you outside your comfort zone, yet with the help of a skilled coach, you have the opportunity to reach meaningful results positively impacting not only you and your loved ones but also a great number of people out there.

The Good News…

The Healer’s approach to Potential and Abundance creates an inspiring starting point for growth. Coaching helps you to turn your dreams into reality and creates a powerful agency of change.

Book a call if you are open for a zero-pressure discussion where I can listen and find out if I can add value to you or not.

Learn more about the Eight Archetypes

The Eight Archetypes are distributed in four different spheres where Seekers lead the need to change, Builders are here to manifest, Connectors to connect, and Leaders to lead. 

The Seeker sphere introduces the two archetypes of the Healer and the Activist. The second group of Builders hosts the Designer and the Engineer archetypes. The third level is the group of the Connectors - the Captain and the Dealmaker. The fourth level introduces the Leader archetypes: the Alpha Leader and the Omega Leader.